Auction Type

LUNCH & RESTROOMS: on grounds
Selling in 2 rings.
Please bring a bidding partner!
NOTE: Pat operated an antique shop from her home for many years. Her husband had a boat motor & small eng. repair business. This will be a large auction & will be held outdoors
ANTIQUE/COLLECTIBLES: Fainting Coach; Dresser; 4 Ice Cream Chairs; Hide Stretchers; Muskrat & Raccoon Traps; Duck Decoy; Iron Butcher Sign; History of Baseball Shadow Box; ’78 Records; Sad Irons; Pulleys; lWWI Doughboy Helmet; Victrola; Cash Register; Spatterware Bowls; Brass Hdbd. & Ftbd.; Gentlemen’s dresser; School Desk; Oakbased Lamp w/Fringe Shade; Wicker Buggy; Beer Signs (Damaged Schlitz sign), Flags, Clocks, Mirrors; Pump Organ; Curio Cabinets; Oak Desk; “Standard” Treadle Sew. Mach. Base Table; Buffet (no mirror); Wood Baby Crib; Single Rope Bed; Oak Secretary; Stir Glass Hang. Lamp; Beefeater Gin Lamp; Oak Commode; Quilts; Oak Wardrobe; Hall Tree w/Marble Top; Sq. Oak Table; McCoy Mugs; Staffordshire Dog; Sleepy Eye Pitcher; Postcards; Caramel Slag Lamp; Lamps; Cranberry Thumb Print pcs.; Christmas Ornaments; African Thumb Harp; Bailey’s Irish Creme Clock; Walnut Dresser w/carved Hanky Drawers; Greeting Cards; Butter Churn; Rnd. Oak Table; Grant Plate; Many Pictures; Fireplace Andirons; Vice. Walnut Dresser w/Marble Top; 2 pc. Walnut Stepback Cupbd. Ad. Yd.Sticks; Political Buttons; Ruby Sherbets; Depression Glass; Arcade Coffee Grinder; Old Saws & Tools; Meat Hooks; Norwegian Immigrant Trunk; Political Buttons; Bottles (Milk, Beer, & Medical); Flo Blue pcs., Limoges, Austrian & Vaseline Glass; 5 G. Redwing Jug; Linn 3 pc. Pottery; (3) Crocks-Elizabeth, Sc. Md., & Woodbine; Roberts Crock, Milk 1/2 Pt. & 1/2 G.; Radium or Revigator Water Cooler; 6 G. MaComb Crock; Buckeye ware Pottery (Pitcher & 10 Mugs); Blue-Butter Crock, Salt Crock w/Lid, Crock Roasters, Boston Bean Pot, Lard Pot-No Lid #513; Framed Pictures; Costume Jewelry; Toys; Tiger Tobacco Tin Lunch Box; Jo Daviess, Ill, Honor Roll WWI Soldiers; Books; Eastlake Walnut Double Bed, Dresser, Commode; Upper Mississippi Navigation Chart; Erector Set; Red Glass Fire Extinguisher; Smurf Glasses; Glass Pyrex Baby Bottles; Frosted Drinking Glasses w/Animals Carrousel; Wooden Bowls; White Enamel Top; #2 Butter Churn; Lg. Stoneware Bowls; Many Carpenter’s Chests w/Hand Forged Hinges; Binoculars; Brass & Iron Bed; Sm. Oak Secretary Desk; Parlor Table; China Cabinet; Hurricane Lamp; White Wicker Rocker, Table & Stool; Pitcher & Bowl; German Beer Steins; Wash Stand; Wood End Stands; Lg. Oak, MIssion-Style Dining China Cabinet; Lg. Ass’t. Elizabeth Plates; African Art Work; Wicker Bassinet; Dept 56; Drop Leaf Table; Gateleg Table; Lg. Cast Iron Birdbath; 3 pc. Wrought Iron Bench & Chairs; Dorothy Parkinson Oil Paintings (Woodbine, Stockton, Ill, Elizabeth, Ill); Pecan wood Carved Eagle; Beer Mugs; Redlin Pictures; Thomas Mangelson Print, Museum Glass; Wurlitzer Piano; Double Wood Oak Bed w/Dresser/Mirror; Children’s Books; Captain Chair; 3 pc. Bedroom Set; Vintage Oak Office Chair; Lane Cedar Chest; Mattel Flying Aces Attack Carrier; Games, Puzzles, Books; Tiffany Lamp; Eliz. Fire helmet; Kerosene Lamps; Westinghouse Fan; Clothing Store Fixtures; LC Smith Typewriter; Meat Grinders; Cherry Stoner; Eliz., Ill. Village & JoDaviess County Collectible set by (Cat’s Meow)
PRIMITIVES: Horse Drawn Walking Plow; Scythe; Corn Dryers; Sausage Stuffers; License Plates; Wrenches & ToolsPlates; Wrenches & Tools
GUNS: (to be sold under FFL regs.)
- Savage Model 24 22 Long Rifle, 410 (3” Chamber) Over & Under, Serial #2259397;
- Browning Light 12 Semi Automatic Shotgun, 12 G, made in Belgium Serial # L80176 w/Vent Rib;
- Ruger M77 Mark II Bolt Action 30-06 Rifle;
- Stevens Model 258B, 20 G Bolt Action Shotgun, Magazine Fed;
- Remington Model 24, 22 Long Rifle, Semi Auto Take Down Rifle (Rough);
- Colt Special Police .38 Revolver. Serial #T546896A;
- Metal Gun Cabinet, Cases, Ammo
TOOLS/EQ.: Misc. Tools; Gas Cans; Eng. Stand; Acetylene Torch, Gauges & Cart; Campbell Housefly 125 PSI Air Compressor, 26 G., 3 1/2 T Floor Jam; Craftsman Tool Chest w/Lg. amt. Wrenches; Sev. Battery Chargers; Bar Clamps; Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw; Delta 8” Table Saw; 5” Bench Vise; Bench Grinder on Cast Iron Stand
VEHICLE: 1951 Buick Sedan (rusty)
FISHING ITEMS/EQ.-SPORTING EQ.: Coleman 8’x7’ Dome Tent; Am. Camper Lg. Tent; 1976 Evinrude 25 HP Outbd. Motor; 1974 Evinrude Snowmobile, 650 SKIMMER (blown eng.); 14’ Polar Craft Ice Boat w/ice motor; 1964 Evinrude Fastwin #18402D-E10557, 18 HP; Several old boat motors & fuel tanks; Several Life Jackets; 1967 Honda CB450 Motorcycle; “74? Honda 450 Motorcycle (for parts); Minnesota Trolling Motor; Tecumseh Ice Motor; Several Boat Fuel Tanks; LP Fish Fryer; OMC Steel Boat Pts. Cabinet; 60” W. Boat Windshield; Evinrude 1942 Sportwin & 1949 Lightfour
LAWN & GARDEN: Simplicity 18 HP. Sovereign Lawn Tractor w/48” deck, Kohler OHV Eng.; Wheelbarrow; Toto Elec. Snow Thrower & Toro gas S-140; Lawnboy Insight Snow Blower, single stage; Mole Traps; (2) Lawn Carts: Lawn Roller; Misc. Lawn Ornaments; Lawn Edger; Wrought Iron Archway
MISCELLANEOUS: Kitchen Aid Wash Machine; Kelvinator 20’ Chef Freezer; 50’ Alum Ext. Ladder; Wagner 6’ Ladder; Whirlpool Steam Dryer; Bosch Aqua Star Tankless Nat.Gas Water heater-Model 125 BN6; 100# LP Tank; 6’ Crystal Christmas Tree (Never opened!) Lg. amt. Automotive Oils & Fluids; Book Shelf; Square D 200 Amp Breaker Box NIB; RCA Prof. Series Surround Sound-VHS, CD, TV; Massaging Recliner; Metal & Wood File Cabinets; 7’ Christmas Tree; Generator; Claybird Thrower; Used 32”x82” Full View RT. Hand Storm Door/Screen; 7 Vinyl Double-Hung Windows 61” x 32” (used only 3 yrs.); Ass’t. Rnd. Clothing Racks
TERMS: Cash, Check. Credit Card w/4.0% convenience fee. Positive I.D. required. If applicable, Wis. sales tax 5.5% will be charged. All items must be settled for and removed day of sale or make arrangements. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. Any announcements sale day take precedence over all printed material.
Larry L. Teasdale, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3558 IL. #441.000224, WI #172
Randal J. Gill, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3632, IL. #441.000226 WI, #171
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