Auction Type
LUNCH: by Susie
Selling in 2 rings
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ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: Pictures-Frames; Quilts; Vintage Clothing (furs & coats); Ladies’/Men’s Hats; Records (Adult-Children’s); Child’s Tea Sets; Books & Child’s Books; Lincoln Logs; ; Photo Album w/pic’s.; Metal Toys(Fire Truck etc.); Greeting Cards; Calendars-advertising; JFK Scrapbook; Rockwell Plates; Kitchen Bowls; Cookie Cutters; Kitchen Tools; Much Vintage Sewing-Spools-Buttons; Singer Treadle Sewing Mach.; New Home Portable Mach.; Perfume Bottles; Postcards; Metal Budweiser Hitch; License Plates; Tools; Wood Tool Chest; Child’s Pedal Car; Barrel Churn & Butter Churns; 1930 Radio & Speaker; Nightingale Battery Radio w/Speaker; Lector AM-FM Radio; Lunch Buckets; B-B Guns; Parasols; Kerosene Lanterns; Wire Egg Basket; Enamelware; Sad Irons; Crocks; Jugs; Stained Glass Lamps; Wall Phone; Many Toys, Games, Puzzles; Clocks; Pennants; Chicago Cubs & Bears items; Chalk “Fair” Items ; Pitcher & Bowl Set; Roy Rogers Items; Zane Grey Books; Milking Mach(s) & Eq.; Planters/Plant Stands; Corn Dryers; Fans; Thunder Buckets; Cattle Halters; Nail Keg; Coal Shovel; Canning Jars; Washbd’s.; Watering Cans; Transit & Tripod; Roller Skates; Cast Iron Kettles; Copper Boiler; Cowbells; Sled(s); Sea Shells; Wood Pop Crates; Bushel Baskets; Wicker Baby Buggy; Costume Jewelry
SOUVENIRS: Cuba City & Lodi Centennial Book(s); Local Cookbooks; Beer Openers; Mineral Pt. Ad. Pcs.; Yard Sticks; Platteville Ad. Pcs.; Wood Adv. Boxes; DBQ. Lard Can; “Iowa Oil Co. Dubuque” Lg. Oil Can
FURNITURE: Many Chairs; Primitive Furniture; Oak Dressers; School Desks; Cherry Drop-leaf Tables; Captain’s Chairs; Baby Cradle; Metal Beds
DOLLS: Barbies; Antique Dolls; Doll Houses
GLASSWARE: Fenton Glassware; Water Set; Glass Canister Set; Stemware; Carnival Glass Candle Holders; Quality Glassware
VEHICLE: 2007 “Stow & Go” Chrysler Van, 139 K mi.
MISCELLANEOUS: Uphl. Fabric; Linens-Blankets; Tablecloths; Quilt pcs. & tops; Lg. Braided Rug; Rag Rugs; Concrete Bird Bath Base; Porch Swing; Display Cases
TERMS: Cash, Check. Credit Card w/3.5% convenience fee. Positive I.D. required. If applicable, Wis. sales tax 5.5% will be charged. All items must be settled for and removed day of sale or make arrangements. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. Any announcements sale day take precedence over all printed material.
Larry L. Teasdale, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3558 IL. #441.000224, WI #172
Randal J. Gill, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3632, IL. #441.000226 WI, #171
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