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August 14, 2021
10:00 AM
This Sale Is Over

Miehe Farm Location
874 West Liberty St.
Belmont, WI 53510
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LUNCH: by Susie
Monson Portable Restrooms

Selling in 2 rings
Please bring a bidding partner!

ANTIQUE/COLLECTIBLES: Wrenches; Grinding Stone; Shoe Molds (Wood); Metal Shoe Pedestal; (3) Sythes; Vise; Phonograph/Radio Cab.; Wicker Rocker; Misc. Chairs

VINTAGE TRACTORS & EQ.: A.C. CA #7064 W/A.C. Loader & Rear Wheel Wts.; J.D. 1929 GP #209954, Steel org. (restored) W.F.; J.D. 1931 GP #226047; J.D. 1929 D #90457, Factory rubber; J.D. 1935 D #124029, Cut Off’s, W.F.; J. D. 1937 D 137384, Cast Rear Rims; J.D. 1948 D #179639, Restored, W.F., (runs); J.D. 1942 AR #261956, Complete overhauled R. seals etc.; J.D. 1940 B #90150 #50 pistons, Fenders, New rubber, Up-shift trans.; J.D. 1943 B, #152686, Exc. org.! Fenders, N.F. Good rubber; J.D. 1948 B #225271, Overhauled-painted, N.F. (runs); J.D. 1949 B #238592, N.F. (not running); J.D. 1950 AR, #273874, (runs); A.C. 1941 C #977 w/woods mower; I.H. C, #15587, N.F., w/rear mt. I.H. mower, Hyd. barrel dumper; International Cub w/Cultivator; A.C. C, #C43785, N.F.; A.C. C #09755, N.F.; Case #VT161, N.F. (runs), Good Rubber

PARTS/EQ.: New Idea Mower, mfg. Cold Water, Oh. #30A, Lot # PM-107, S.N. M-103118; Lime Spreader; Misc. J.D. Parts; A.C. Parts, Rims, Tires; Case Wheel Wts.; Woods RN 59, 3 pt., Woods L59 Mower; (2) A.C. Wheels; Independent Rear Mt. Blade; PTO Mower; J.D. Fenders; (2) J.D. Eng. Blocks; A.C. 2-Bottom Mtd. Plow; A.C. Engine & A.C. Fly Wheel Housing; I.H. 2-Row Cultivator; A.C. 3-Bottom Plow; A.C. Rear Mnt. Cultivator; Mott Flail Cutter; A.C. Rear Axle; Front. Mt. Blade; (2) J.D. Running Gears w/spoke Wheels; A.C. 2-Way Plow

SKID LOADER: #610 w/Wisconsin Eng. & Material Bucket

LAWN MOWER/EQ.:SP Craftsman Self-Prop. Mower; 312 MTD Yard Mach. Snow Blower; YL DR Trimmer/Mower, Tecumseh-2 stroke Motor

TOOLS/EQ.: Lincoln Idealarc 250 Welder; Air Compressor; Welding Helmets & Rods; Ass’t. Hand Tools; Lg. Ass’t. Bolts & Nuts

MISCELLANEOUS: Sm. Trailer; Pick-up Bed Liner; Trailer (was manure spreader); 8’x12’ Flatbed Trailer; Old Field & Stream & Fish & Game Mag’s.; Furnace Fans; Bikes (incl. J.D.); Ass’t. Lumber; Ass’t. Oil & Grease


TERMS: Cash, Check. Credit Card w/3.5% convenience fee. Positive I.D.
required. If applicable, Wis. sales tax 5.5% will be charged. All items must be settled for and removed day of sale or make arrangements. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. Any announcements sale day take precedence over all printed material.

Larry L. Teasdale, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3558 IL. #441.000224, WI #172
Randal J. Gill, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3632, IL. #441.000226 WI, #171

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