Auction Type

DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 11 E. of Shullsburg & W. of Gratiot @ intersection of Hwy. 23 & 11 & CTH P, Go S. on CTH P approx. 8 mi, to White School Rd. Turn left & follow to auction site.
LUNCH: By: Susie
Monson Portable Restroom
NOTE: This auction has an enormous amount of inventory! Multiples of tools, parts & eq. This auction will be auction #1, watch for auction #2 later this year!
Selling in 2 rings
Please bring a bidding partner!
ANTIQUE/COLLECTIBLES: United Delco Parts Cabinet; Ford Distributor Stroboscope Cabinet; NOS Automotive Lamps; Vintage Automobile Magazines; Parts Manuals; Old House Windows & Doors; Vintage Cylinder Reboring Tool; Coca Cola & Pepsi Pop Coolers; License Plates; Pay Telephone; Coca Cola Ad. Box; Old Elec. Motors; Commode Chair
TRUCKS/CARS: 1989 GMC S-10 Puck-up, 4×4 Ext. Cab, Long Bed, Black (not running)
1958 or ’59 Chevy 1/2 T., step side, 2 WD Pick-up w/Oldsmobile Motor (not running)
FORK LIFTS: Clark LP Forklift(runs); Yale LP Forklift (not running); Blue Giant Elec. Forklift
TOOLS/AUTOMOTIVE EQ. & SUPPLIES: Lg. Amt. Auto & Truck pts. ALL TYPES! Mostly NIB! Lg, am’t. Stacking Tool chests; Several Gas & Diesel Engines; Many Tools! (PORTER CABLE, MILWAUKEE, DE WALT, CRAFTSMAN) Valve Grinders; Drill Presses; Metal Lathes (Lg. & Sm.); Bridgeport & Other milling Machines; Sun Auto Testers; Vibrating & Standard Pts. Cleaners; Presses; 8” Bench Vise; Bench Grinders; Torque Converters; Line Boring Machines; Numerous eng. Stands (Several NIB); Arbor Presses; Lg Amt. Eng. Oils, Automotive Fluids; New Ridgid Pipe Threading Stands; Cherry Pickers; Paslode Nail Guns & Nail Strips; Battery Chargers; Lg. Am’t. New Tools, Ext. Cords, Levels; Van Dorn Plastic Molder; New Tool Grinders; Central Machinery Elec. Mini Cement Mixer; Chop Saws; Numerous Work Benches; Pipe Threaders; Belt Sanders; Pipe Benders; Craftsman Toolboxes; Several Air Compressors (some New); New Sand Blaster; HUGE Milwaukee Milling Machine; Lg. & Sm. Jib Cranes; ASS’T. Auto & Truck Glass; Miller 200 Mig Welder; #160 Sun battery Charger; New Chicago Pneumatic 1” Ind. Impact Wrench; Plunge Routers; New Saw Blade Sharpener; Butcher Boy Band Saw; Lg. Belt Sander; Bridgeport, Master Mil & Echo Lg. Milling Machines; CP Tools Metal Lathe & other Metal Lathes; Power Hack Saw; Lg. elect. Over Hyd. Press; Lg. Logan Lathe; Enco Metal Band Saw; Metal & C-Clamps; Pipe Clamps; Schumacher 2-200 Amp Battery Charger; Metal Stamping Sets; Lg. Am’t. New Lathe & Milling Pts.; Forney & Miller Arc Welders; Blackhawk Mig Welder; Marquette Plasma Cutter
GYROMOWER/TRACTOR/CAMPER/TRAILER): Howse 5’, 3-pt. PTO Gyromower; FORD 8 N W/3 PT. Blade; SUNNYBROOK 33’, 33 FKS Lite Aluminum Super Structure Bumper Hitch Camper w/LP Furnace, Left Side Slide out; 20’ Tandem Axle Bumper Hitch Trailer; 16’ Bumper Hitch Tandem Axle
MISCELLANEOUS: Lg. Metal Frame Work Table; Pallet Racking; Several Drums of Rust Remover (EVAPO-RUST); Lg. Amt. Metal Cabinets; New Paint Shaker; New Chain Saw Sharpener; New Steel Shelving; Lg. Am’t. of Wiring; Pallet of New Bamboo Flooring; New Waste Oil Furnace; Parts Bins; Lg. Elect. Cement Mixer; 8-Bolt Truck/Trailer Wheels; Winpower 12 KW PTO Generator; Lg. Sandblasting Cabinet; (2) Harley Davidson Golf Carts (not running); Shop Vac; Lg. Am’t. Round & Flat Steel Stock; Galv. Pipe; New Chain Hoist; New Elec. Hoist; (2) Rolls New Pex Tubing; Lg. Am’t 2” Insulation Board; Ass’t. Used Truck & Trailer Tires; Several Rolls New Copper Wire; New Window Shutters
A second auction for this estate will be held later this Fall!
TERMS: Cash, Check. Credit Card w/4.0% convenience fee. Positive I.D. required. If applicable, Wis. sales tax 5.5% will be charged. All items must be settled for and removed day of sale or make arrangements. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. Any announcements sale day take precedence over all printed material.
Larry L. Teasdale, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3558 IL. #441.000224, WI #172
Randal J. Gill, Shullsburg, WI; 608-965-3632, IL. #441.000226 WI, #171
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